Events, News Guest User Events, News Guest User

Sunset Public Safety Forum Draws Large Crowd

Stop Crime SF briefed residents on its Court Watch and crime prevention programs in a May 26 Sunset District public safety town hall attended by more than 200 people. The town hall was called by District 4 Supervisor Gordon Mar after a number of high-profile robberies in Sunset neighborhoods.

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Crime Laws, News Guest User Crime Laws, News Guest User

Statement on San Francisco's Ban of Facial Recognition Technology

Instead of an outright ban, a moratorium would have been more appropriate. There are problems with facial recognition ID technology and it should not be used today. But the technology will improve and it could be a useful tool for public safety when used responsibly and with greater accuracy. We should keep the door open for that possibility. Especially when facial recognition technology can help locate missing children, people with dementia and fight sex trafficking.

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Crime Laws, News Guest User Crime Laws, News Guest User

Close Loophole In Proposed "Stop Secret Surveillance" Law

Amending legislation is a messy process of horse-trading words. One of the amendments in San Francisco’s new video surveillance law is still missing a vital word. Police can receive private security video, but will they be able to use it to solve crimes? Words matter when we have the highest rate of property crime among the nation's largest cities.

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Crime Laws, News Guest User Crime Laws, News Guest User

Suggested Amendments to Video Surveillance Law

We are concerned that the “Stop Secret Surveillance Ordinance” currently being considered by the Board of Supervisors will limit the ability of law enforcement to fight crime with video cameras. This law is well-intended. It is important to acknowledge the problems with facial recognition technology and the city needs a policy for use of traditional video cameras. We support the intention of this law and offer the following amendments to ensure its success.

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Crime Laws, News Guest User Crime Laws, News Guest User

San Francisco’s Safety and Freedom Imbalance

Fighting Big Brother and Big Tech might feel good when privacy is a concern. But a proposed law to ban facial recognition and severely impede San Francisco’s use of security cameras is full of unintended consequences that won’t keep us safe or free. Stop Crime SF guest OpEd published in the San Francisco Chronicle.

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Court Watch, News Guest User Court Watch, News Guest User

Who's Watching the Judges?

Smashed glass on curbs and sidewalks is the new normal in San Francisco with tens of thousands of car break-ins reported annually. Our criminal justice system needs the right incentives for offenders to change their behavior. Lawbreakers need to know they will be held accountable if they violate the terms of probation. And judges need to know citizens are watching. Read our full OpEd published in the San Francisco Chronicle.

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Crime Resources, News Guest User Crime Resources, News Guest User

Mayor Farrell: Please Fund the Police for Success

Open letter to Mayor Farrell — San Franciscans need you to address the daily nightmare we face with record-high property crime and car-break ins. As you determine the city's budget, please fund our police department for success. Community policing alone is not the solution. Please remember the need for centralized investigative capability when funding the SFPD.

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News Guest User News Guest User

Finally, Neighborhood-Policing for Car Break-Ins

Stop Crime SF applauds Police Chief Bill Scott’s announcement to assign officers in San Francisco neighborhoods dedicated to car break-ins. Our members spoke at City Hall to express the frustration and fear we feel in the neighborhoods. Stop Crime SF supports a focused strategy to fight property crime that has reached epidemic proportions.

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