Will We Hold Deadly Fentanyl Dealers Accountable in San Francisco?

Click to read SFPD data memo on drug dealer arrests in 2021

Will we hold deadly fentanyl dealers accountable in San Francisco? The human cost is a record number of overdose deaths. Yet police arrest the same dealers repeatedly while time in custody has plummeted under District Attorney Chesa Boudin.

San Francisco’s police department released a 71-page memo to major news outlets like the New York Times, Washington Post and the San Francisco Chronicle with 2021 data on drug dealer arrests and time in custody.

Stop Crime SF obtained the full memo and posted it here for anyone to see all the data.

To be clear, I do not support arresting or jailing users of drugs. They need supportive help for addiction. The question is what to do about the *dealers* of extremely deadly drugs like fentanyl that are killing people.

Highlights from the data:

  • Average time in custody for drug dealers before Boudin was DA: 17.9 days

  • Average time in custody for drug dealers after Boudin became DA: 5.4 days

  • SFPD arrested 337 drug dealers in first nine months of 2021

  • Of the 337 drug dealer arrests, 65 were repeat offenders

  • The 16 most repeat offenders were arrested 52 times

  • Deadly fentanyl was involved in 87 percent of arrests of the most repeat offenders

  • Medical Examiner says fentanyl causes 3/4 of drug overdoses in SF

  • Amount of fentanyl seized by SFPD in 2020: 5 kilos

  • Amount of fentanyl seized by SFPD in 2021: 25 kilos

  • 2017 overdose deaths in SF: 222

  • 2020 overdose deaths in SF: 711

  • 2021 overdose deaths in SF through November: 600

The San Francisco Chroniclepublished a short article based on the SFPD memo.

Read the entire 71-page memo on the Stop Crime SF website. The memo includes the arrest dates and time in custody for the 65 most repeat offender drug dealers.

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