Compromise Reached on Police Patrol Funds

Thanks for taking quick action this week to contact the Board of Supervisors regarding the budget for police foot patrols. Stop Crime SF members sent more than 150 letters to the budget committee in less than 24 hours and your effort was definitely noticed.

There is some good news to report. Politics is about compromise and the police department has reached a deal with the budget committee.

The police will get to keep $1.1 million of the $2.3 million in savings it had identified and wanted to spend on increased foot patrols. SFPD will be able to maintain current foot beats and use the $1.1 million to increase the patrols where they can.

The remainder of the $2.3 million will go back to the general fund and supervisors will be able to use it for other projects and priorities.

A few days ago, it looked like the SFPD wouldn't be able to keep any of the savings it had identified. So while we regret the reduction, $1.1 million is much better than nothing.

Your advocacy made a difference. Some supervisors didn't like the deluge of letters, but it's important for elected officials to hear the voice of residents in the neighborhoods.

We want to especially thank Supervisor Catherine Stefani who has been an unwavering champion of public safety. She represents the Marina in District 2, but San Franciscans across the entire city who care about crime should be glad that Supervisor Stefani is standing up for us all.

P.S. Please be sure to like the Stop Crime SF Facebook page so you can stay up to date on the issues. We will post items of note on our Facebook page more often than we send an email newsletter.

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